Categories |
UTC | Hour of the day in UTC time. This is the ending hour of the 15-minute valid period. |
MIN | Minute of the hour indicated in the UTC row above. This is the ending minute of the 15-minute valid period. |
FLT | Lowest flight category forecasts for 15-minute periods. |
VFR | Indicates onset/cessation of VFR conditions (“+--” for onset,“---” for prevailing, “--/” for cessation). |
MVFR | Indicates onset/cessation of MVFR conditions (“+--” for onset,“---” for prevailing, “--/” for cessation). |
IFR | Indicates onset/cessation of IFR conditions (“+--” for onset,“---” for prevailing, “--/” for cessation). |
LIF | Indicates onset/cessation of LIFR conditions (“+--” for onset,“---” for prevailing, “--/” for cessation). |
VLI | Indicates onset/cessation of VLIFR conditions (“+--” for onset,“---” for prevailing, “--/” for cessation). |
CIG | ceiling height categorical forecasts for each 15-minute period. |
VIS | visibility categorical forecasts for each 15-minute period. |
CPVL | Probability of VLIFR conditions or worse due to ceiling during the 15-minute period. |
CPL | Probability of LIFR conditions or worse due to ceiling during the 15-minute period. |
CPI | Probability of IFR conditions or worse due to ceiling during the 15-minute period. |
CP2K | Probability of ceiling height <= 2000 feet during the 15-minute period. |
CPM | Probability of MVFR conditions or worse due to ceiling during the 15-minute period. |
CPVFR | Probability of VFR conditions due to ceiling during the 15-minute period. |
VPVL | Probability of VLIFR conditions or worse due to visibility during the 15-minute period. |
VPL | Probability of LIFR conditions or worse due to visibility during the 15-minute period. |
VPI | Probability of IFR conditions or worse due to visibility during the 15-minute period. |
VPM | Probability of MVFR conditions or worse due to visibility during the 15-minute period. |
VPVFR | Probability of VFR conditions due to visibility during the 15-minute period. |